The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Bronte Country with Added Words

Today we trundled off to take a look at "Bronte Country"(tm). This is the birthplace of the great literature produced by the sisters Anne, Emma and Charlotte. I've not read much of it myself; apparently there are no car chases, alien abductions or plots involving Westminster Cathedral.

However, the trip itself was very enjoyable, unlike the lot of the Brontes themselves. Their lives were actually pretty tragic, and horribly short. A little while after they had all succumbed to various illnesses a government man was despatched to take a look at the state of the village. He reported that an open sewer running down the main street of the village, surrounded by rotting rubbish, was probably not condusive to healthy living and a long life. The upshot was proper drainage and a decent water supply, but it came too late for the writing sisters who professed such a strong love for the neighbourhood that probably killed them.

Haworth is a great place to visit. The little village main street is full of interesting shops and the vicarage where the Brontes lived was very well preserved and has a great atmosphere. I've put some pictures on Flickr if you are really interested..

Then back to the hotel for the night. In an attempt to prove my literary qualities I took on number one wife at Scrabble. And lost.


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