The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Sneak Up on the Dishwasher

Blimey. Just got an email from a lad who attended the open day on Saturday. He has sent me a screenshot of a browser he wrote in VB. And he is 14 years old. I've told him about Gotdotnet, Codeproject and Devhood (three places that any aspiring programmer should take a look at) and maybe we'll see him one day. Or perhaps he'll just buy us all out.

Hah. Just fixed the dishwasher. Some jobs you have to sneak up on, and the dishwasher is one of them. It has been getting stuck in its program for some time. I'd traced it to a problem draining, but despite attempts to clean it out the problem persisted. Until now. I'd been meaning to take a look today but it wasn't until 11:00 pm that I dared try. It it had known I was coming it would have been able to put up a fight. As it was, I had it away from the wall and the pipework out before it knew what hit it. And found a huge blockage in the pipe. Which is now no longer there. And so we are now a home of happy gurgles and speedy draining. Which is the way it should be. And I'm off to bed.


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