The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Saturday, July 05, 2003

Eye Toy Good

Open Day. We invite lots of people to roam around the university campus and we give them talks on stuff. Did what I thought was quite a good presentation about Computer Science, with a reasonable turnout who seemed to enjoy it. Then adjourned to the display area.

Then Number One Son arrived with a new toy which we set up on the video projector. He had brought along an EyeToy. This is a new add-on for the Playstation II which is a webcam and a set of image processing programs. It is kind of difficult to explain what you can do with it, basically it lets you play a number of simple video games with you in the picture. The ones that went down best were the window cleaning one, where you wave your arms to clean windows, and a "keep up" game where you have to bounce a virtual ball for as long as possible. I'm not sure of the long term appeal, but it was great fun for the kids there. It would also make a wonderful "after the pub" game for grown-ups in a dance mat kind of way. For only forty quid, including the camera, it is also pretty good value.

Then home. Last week I bought Twin Peaks, series one, at half price and so we sat down to watch a couple of episodes. Number one son is getting quite hooked on it, I'm a bit worried in case they don't tell you the murderer after series one. I've a horrible feeling that they took the marketing decision to spin it out for as long as possible after its success. I hate it when they do that, and it means I'll probably have to get series two. Very obvious from watching Agent Dale Cooper where a certain Fox Mulder came from...


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