The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Monday, August 18, 2003

Bloggers Guilt

Psychologists have just identified a new mental condition which is called "Bloggers Guilt". This afflicts people who, for no good reason, have decided to place personal, narrative, details on the web (this condition is called "Bloggermania"). The guilt kicks in when the subject has not posted anything in the blog for a while (perhaps even for good reason like not being near the internet) and intensifies over time. The subject then thinks about all the ways that he/she can atone for their sins in the form of flashy graphics, loads of pictures or just an improvement in narrative style (as if).

Hmm. Anyhoo, it has been a while, but I am back now. I'll post some stuff about where I've been and what I've done when I can work out where I've been and what I've done, but for now all I can say is sorry folks and it won't happen again (at least until next year..)

Rant alert: I read in the paper that insurance companies are introducing a new technology in their call centres which is used to detect illegal claims. Apparently the software can tell when the customer is telling whoppers. I think this is rather scary. I mean, what would happen if they left it switched on by mistake: "Of course madam, we'll have someone round to sort out your claim in a couple of hours" - sound of alarm bells, machines shouting "LIE LIE LIE" in background.... However, the really funny bit was when they tried to justify their new system with the statement that someone had made a personal injury claim for losing an eye five times. Now call me old fashioned, but I don't actually think that you need new fangled technology to sort that one out. All you need is to work with other insurance companies to keep records of who you pay out to. Then add a line like:


.. to your software somewhere and all should be well.


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