The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Skinny Teeth

What do you say to someone who has lost all their files because the server has crashed?

"Good thing you've got a backup"

Then run like the wind.....

My Class Server and Where Would You Think Host went "toes up" last week. I wasn't that worried, because I'd taken a backup of the assessments and the databases around the end of the term. It also needs to be rehosted onto my "Shiny New Hardware" (tm) so I was just going to rebuild the system and restore the old files onto it.

Then I remembered that I had enticed the boss to have a go with Class Server and he had created some work on the system after the backup.


So today I got busy with Virtual PC, a few database files, the SQL Enterprise Manager and the Registry Editor. At the moment I can see the files but not touch them. I think I'm going to get those files by the skin of my teeth.....


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