The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Voice of Reason and Upstairs Fishing

Now that number one son is back at the ranch for a while I'm kind of relieved to have someone to go up town with me and stop me from buying more gadgets and computer games. So, today I set off shopping with a slightly lighter heart than usual, knowing that a restraining influence was present to keep me in check.

So when we got home with the second hand Sega Dreamcast console that we subsequently bought, with Soul Calibur (number one son says it is the best ever Dreamcast game) and Sega Bass Fishing (complete with computerised fishing rod) I was able to reflect on how well that plan had worked.

The console itself is in good nick, and works well. And the fishing is fun, if a bit silly. We had the windows open 'cos it was a bit warm. I hope that the neighbours weren't too confused by the loud cries of "Get that fish over there", and "Quick, reel him in, not too tight, you'll break the line"....


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