Pig Lodger
Got a new (albeit temporary) member of the family. It s a guniea pig we are looking after for a friend of number one daugher. It has the somewhat ambiguous name of "Io". Very handsome beast (for a pig), I'll post a picture when we can get it to keep still long enough to be photographed. We are not sure if it is a boy pig or a girl pig. Apparently you can spot a boy pig because they poo everywhere, whereas girl pigs just poo in one corner and keep the hutch tidy. And they iron. Number one wife and number one daughter are unanamous on these "facts".
At the moment Io has not pooed enough to allow a definitive judgement on gender. And I've not seen him/her ironing either.
At the moment Io has not pooed enough to allow a definitive judgement on gender. And I've not seen him/her ironing either.
I just noticed the TM on your blog. DOes this mean i have to pay some kind of subscription to link to this site? At the moment you have pride of place in 'Matt Approved Blogs', I hope you can grant special dispensation to a poor ex-student.....
A sure fire way of determining Gender: Infect the pig with Man Flu. If it sniffles a bit and goes about its business, then it's clearly female. If it takes to wallowing in self pity, insisting on having chicken soup and tea brought to it and developing a complete inability to communicate in anything but whimpers and whines, it is clearly a Male. As we know, only males suffer the terrible effects of this cunning and silent killer. 'Common Cold' indeed. Women know nothing of our pain!
MattJ, at Monday, October 03, 2005 4:06:00 pm
Have you ever wondered why your funds have been dwindling over time, with no apparent reason why the cash is vanishing and why your wallet always has one less fiver then you thought.
That's my subscription. I am having it collected though hyperspace by pandimensional accountants who are boring in fifteen galaxies. And even if you take my blog link off you will continue to lose the money. Ha. Only snag is that I don't see any of the cash until I'm 4,000 years old. Bloody small print.
Rob Miles, at Monday, October 03, 2005 8:18:00 pm
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