The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Fools Rush In

Installed Office 2003 Beta 2 today. Thought I'd do a proper job and told it to overwrite the original installation. So far my faith has been justified; to the point where apart from the jazzy colour scheme (which I think is a bit retro and jars with the Windows XP colours) I'm having difficulty detecting what changes have been made. I'm looking forward to using the new Powerpoint, where you can have speaker notes and things on your laptop screen alongside the actual presentation on the VGA output.

However, I think the other changes will appear by osmosis as I find new little bits and bobs. They say the main thrust of the changes centre around group working - so I'm presently working on getting a Windows Server 2003 machine of my own to play with at work. Sharepoint looks really interesting.


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