The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Friday, October 03, 2003

Project Power

One of the perks of my job is the student projects. It is like having your own research and development team! I've got some very nice projects running this year, a lot of them based on Pocket PC and Smartphone which should be fun. The downside is that I have most of my project meetings on Friday morning, around five in a row. This means that by Friday lunchtime I have virtually no brain left....

Just had a first year student get in touch asking for more labs. Apparently he wants to work on his programming over the weekend and he wants the next lab. We tend to set the labs on a week by week basis, depending on the overall progress of the class - but it is always nice to find keen people. I've pointed him at one of our "extra nasty" problems to keep him busy. Well, he did ask.

In between watching Babylon 5 and 24 we've been watching series 1 of the X-Files. Number one son hasn't seen them, and they are always worth a viewing. I reckon that the X-Files thing peaked around the end of series three, and so we have a few more to go at. I think I've now reached the point where I watch more DVDs than real telly. I might ask for a refund of part of the licence....


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