The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Birthday Rainfall

Not been to work today. Feel that I am allowed to slack if it is my birthday. Got a whole bunch of DVDs as pressies including Family Guy season 3. If you have not seen Family Guy you have a treat in store. It is like the Simpsons without the cheese. Some people say it is loud, crude and obnoxious. This is kind of surprising - since I like it and.... oh...

Also got the James Bond of BBQ toolkits in an ultra posh case. Then had a BBQ and it rained a bit....

I have this strange power (no - not that one). When I have a BBQ it rains, unless I have one by mistake. Today I bought a new pair of sunglasses (bad move) and planned a BBQ (very bad move). And it rained. Now that I have the full kit as it were we can probably look forward to a serious lull in the good weather we have been enjoying. And it will be my fault. Sorry folks. Tomorrow I'm going to buy 20 umbrellas and a Sou Wester (if that is how you spell it). Hopefully this will fix the problem.


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