The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Monday, July 21, 2003

Proof of the Pudding

Been exam boarding at Doncaster. A bit like snow boarding, but without the mountains, snow, snowboard, ski-lift and good times. Good fun reading the project reports though. The students have done some amazing work - but one thing stands out a mile when I read these, and that is everyone (including me) is improved by good proof reader. Just because Word has not put red wavy lines underneath your deathless prose does not mean that it is perfect. Even the grammar checker (green wavy lines) is sometimes useful - although I've yet to find anyone who knows what "verb may be used in a passive sense" actually means. If it is important, i.e. worth marks, money, a better job, a place on a course etc, then get someone else to read it. Don't worry that it is technical and they won't understand it (if they don't understand it at all you are a pretty poor writer) most of the big mistakes are in the simple stuff.

My favourite on the day: "The first stage of a project is the Design Panning Meeting". I've been to a few of those in my time....


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