The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Help - a virus

Spent a big chunk of Sunday dealing with a computer virus (not on my machine fortunately) and now have one of my own. Only it is called a cold. Have taken to shuffling round and suffering in near silence, as men are wont to do. I'm working on just the right rendition of "Oh, I'm OK really" to elicit the appropriate level of sympathy and support from my family. Unfortunately, since I'm the last person to come down with this dratted thing, and everybody else has already suffered it, sympathy is a bit thin on the ground. Especially in the light of the kind of responses that I was producing last week: "That's OK love, you go and have a nice lie down - as soon as you've brought the coal in and made my tea..." Ho hum. Early night and Lemsip for me I think.

To make matters worse number one son has comprehensively thrashed my record on the Pinball machine and I'm not really up to beating him at the moment. Of course, when I'm fully fit (if you ever can be fully fit at my age) I'll deal with him appropriately...


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