The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Thursday, October 09, 2003

It's Scary and it's Orange

"Screwed my courage to the sticking place" as Shakespeare puts it and told the First Year Java course the "Orange for a Head" joke. As I said at the time "You can divide your life into two portions - the part where you have not heard the joke and the part where you have....". The reaction was as expected, but I got to the door first.. And in case you are wondering what the joke is; you'll have to sign up on one of our courses to find out. It is only ever revealed during my lectures. Or you could ask a first year I suppose. Note - I've just typed "Orange for a head joke" into Google and got around ten versions of the joke. Mine is the best of course...

Things I Know: 001 of 800 Pepper is not the inverse of salt. The fact that the two always appear together does not indicate that the addition of one can be used to compensate for too much of the other. This is one of the first things that I learned when I was attempting to acquire culinary skills. I've never been able to understand how the two teamed up in the first place. Note: Kevin informs me that although this is not the case with Salt and Pepper it does work with Salt and Vinegar. However, this information is to be filed under the category "things that I have been told but don't particularly fancy trying.."


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