The Crazy World (tm) of Rob Miles

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Hot Driving

Did the usual things on Saturday. Went up town and bought a video game. Quite a good one though. I enjoyed Burnout for the XBOX and so when I had the chance for a cheap copy of Burnout 2 I jumped at it. I suppose it is more of the same, but the more is very good. The graphics of the tracks is now nigh on perfect and the cars still have that unrealistic controllability which means that you can get away with massive powerslides really easily. I spent a very happy afternoon battling my way through the leagues. It is one of the few games which actually makes me flinch when cars are coming towards me at speed. I always use the in car view - only wimps use the one which lets you see the whole car on the road - and the impression of speed and the impressive nature of the crashes makes the whole thing great fun. There is also a rather non PC "make the biggest crash you can" version of the game which has you speeding towards a junction intent on causing maximum damage. I enjoyed this immensely and now the kids are scared to let me drive them anywhere, which is a result of sorts.

Unfortunately all this hard driving meant that I didn't make it to the university open day, but it went very well by all accounts.

Found my picture in the Hull Daily Mail as a result of the University Challenge thing last week. Fame at last! Bought a couple of extra copies of the paper but I'm not sure what to do with them.


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